[2021 로보월드] 한국로봇융합연구원 / Korea Institute of Robotics and Technology Convergence (KIRO)
한국로봇융합연구원은 산업통상자원부 산하 로봇전문연구기관입니다 KIRO는 수중,재난안전,건설/배관,농업 등 강점 분야를 중심으로 자율주행,매니플레이션,인공지능 등 원천기술을 바탕으로 한 연구개발에 더욱 매진하여 인류의 번영과 함께 로봇 융합기술의 글로벌 전문연구기관으로의 도약을 준비하고 있습니다 KIRO is a leading R&D institute specializing in robotics and technology convergence under the Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy We are preparing to become a global research institute specializing in robot convergence technology along with the prosperity of mankind by focusing more on research and development based on original technologies such as autonomous driving, manipulation, and artificial intelligence, focusing on strong areas such as underwater, disaster safety, construction/pipe, and agriculture #한국로봇융합연구원 #전문서비스로봇 #자율이동방역로봇 #클라우드배관로봇 #모바일매니퓰레이터 #배관검사 #로봇 #인공지능 #배관검사로봇 #비파괴배관검사 #KIRO #Professional service robot #Autonomous Mobile Disinfection Robot #K-PIBOT #Mobile Manipulator #Service Robot #Robot #Artificial Intelligence #Inpipe robot #Nondestructive Inspection System