Watch Night Service||31-Dec-2024||#archbishopjohnmarkandeya  @live #online

Watch Night Service||31-Dec-2024||#archbishopjohnmarkandeya @live #online

#YOUTH#christmas sunday #2024 #prayer #prayertime #alphaomegaministriesinternational sunday Service#alphaomegaministriesinternational #alphaomegaministriesinternational #spiritualmessages #Alphaomegaministriesinternational #spiritualmessages #jesus #lifechangingmessages #spiritual #wordofgod #youtubechannel #christian #service #devotional #trendingvideo #trending #live #christmas Testimony: Arch Bishop John Markandeya Garu Founder of alpha omega ministries International Greetings in the most highest name of our lord&Saviour jesus christ.Before i accepted jesus as my personal saviour I used to worship many idols, I was a boozer,smoker&drug addict.We had owned an Iron Foundary with many employees and good business.At that time enemies had attacked me by using the help of many sorcerers upon me. Evil spirits used to frighten me&i used to shout&scream at nights. Frequently i used to hear a voice saying "Commit Suicide".Evil spirits used to shake the doors&double cots, I used to walk miles&miles away from my home.There came a great loss in my business&all our staff&workers left our foundary, Orders were dried up. We had few lands and lost every property on bank loans In the year 1982 Ive decided to commit suicide&moved to secuderabad railway station to commit suicide. Accidentally i met a military man who gave me the gospel and introduced christ to me.I felt it in my heart that let me try this god before i kill myself. God done great miracles in my life driving away every spirit in his name. During my 40days fasting prayer god spoke with luke:4:18(The spirit of lord is upon me,Because he annointed me to preach the gospel to poor)&gave me a promise that I am the Alpha&Omega.Ive been baptised in 1983&was filled with the holyspirit in the year 1984,then started my ministry among tribals&villages.My whole family got saved and now through our "Alpha omega Ministries" gospel is being preached in 8 districts of Telangana-India with many gospel workers,Evangelists. Please pray for our ministries&our vision. " • All Rights Reserved | Uploading the video on another channel will receive a copyrights strike Naa Rakshaka Naa Vimochaka:    • Naa Rakshaka Naa Vimochaka Full Song ...   • Premaamayuda song :    • Premaamayuda Full song | New Telugu C...   • KOTLAKOLADHI SONG : //   • KOTLAKOLADHI Full song | AR_Stevanson...   • NANU VIDUVANI DEVUDAVU SONG :    • Nanu viduvani devudavu|  Dr.Rosemary ...   • Natyamadudham CHRISTMAS SONG :    • Natyamadudham Latest Christmas Song 2020