How To Stop Warfare In Your Life || Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo. Prophetic Daily Encounter, 26-07-2021.

How To Stop Warfare In Your Life || Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo. Prophetic Daily Encounter, 26-07-2021.

"The preparations of the heart belong to man, But the answer of the tongue is from the Lord." Proverbs 16:1 NKJV The Lord has put His Word in your mouth. It's time to stir yourself up and decree the decrees of the Lord. Your life is about to take a monumental shift. This is the end of warfare in your life! AMEN! _______________________ Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo is the Global Senior Pastor of The Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA): A global church mandated by God to make disciples of all nations, reaching the unchurched who will re-establish God's kingdom on earth and inform the nations adequately. To give and support our ministry click any of the following links:,$GiveCoza, #PastorBiodun #BiodunFatoyinbo #COZAGlobal To partner with us in taking our vision of expanding the gospel of Jesus Christ click here: If you would like to share your praise reports/testimonies send to: [email protected] To follow Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo on IG and Facebook click the links below:   / biodunfatoyinbo     / biodunfatoyinbo   Subscribe to pastor Biodun's Youtube Channel: #COZASundays #PastorBiodun #COZAGlobal #HeavenOnEarth #Youthful