오늘의 명언영어 Today's My Note 윈스턴처칠 Winston Churchill 낙관론자 비관론자
오늘의 명언영어 Today's My Note 비관론자는 어려움만을 보고 낙관론자는 기회만 본다죠? 차이가 명확하네요 여러분은 어떠 방식으로 살아나시요? #Optimist#Pessimist #WinstonChurchill I'd like to plan upload here from Mon to Fri - English Picture books - Proverbs and good words - English Poem - Idioms for Body parts - Free Theme It's subject to change the day but available at anytime if you are interested I hope you can enjoy my channel and progress with me I am looking forward to see you soon! tks!