30 Minute Full Body Dumbbell Strength X Cardio HIIT Workout (Strength & Conditioning)

30 Minute Full Body Dumbbell Strength X Cardio HIIT Workout (Strength & Conditioning)

Tap in with us for a 30-40 minute all in one FULL BODY workout that focuses on building muscle with strength training and losing body fat with cardio HIIT training. We will individually lead you through 16 minutes of strength training and 16 minutes of cardio HIIT. To get the most out of this session, we highly recommend challenging yourself with heavier weights during each strength exercise or increasing your intensity if you only have lighter weights. We encourage you to repeat the strength and/or the cardio routines for 1-2 sets to maximize your progress over time. As always drop a comment and let us know what you think of this workout and if we should do more like it! ๐Ÿ”ฅ Note: Skip ahead to the cardio session if your prefer to do it before strength training. Support Our Channel With Some J&T//lululemon Merch: https://www.onebodyla.com/shop Join Our New 6-Week Level Up Program https://my.playbookapp.io/juice-toya/... Check Out The Juice & Toya App For More Content: https://www.juiceandtoya.app Follow Us On Instagram For More Fitness Related Content: Toya: @ToyaCherrelle Juice: @JuicetonTx TikTok: @JuiceandToya Personal Training Business Page: @OneBodyLA #JuiceandToya #Strengthandconditioning