Clementine Interrogates Abel - The Walking Dead The Definitive Series
Clementine Interrogates Abel - The Walking Dead The Definitive Series Clem's PAX East mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/thewalkingdeadth... PlayStation 4 Button Mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/thewalkingdeadth... Clementine discovers Willy mourning over Mitch's corpse and sobbing over his friend's demise. Willy remarks on how Mitch had always been nice to him, even if others had thought that he was abrasive. Clementine can promise him vengeance against the raiders, something Willy is all too eager to achieve. Violet (whoever Clementine had chosen to save the previous night) tells Clementine that they had left Abel tied up in the basement, who was left behind after the attack. Violet also tells Willy that it is time to bury Mitch after Ruby dug a grave for him. Tennessee offers to help carry Mitch to the grave, but Willy, furious, pushes him to the ground, blaming him for his friend's death. Regardless of whether Clementine agrees or not, Tennessee runs away in embarrassment and guilt. Violet then reminds her to question Abel about the location of the rest of the raiders. Clementine arrives in the basement, discovering Rosie resting near the boiler and guarding the path to the exit. She then finds AJ idly playing with the chambers of his revolver in front of an unconscious Abel, who is tied to a chair in a dark corner of the basement after having sustained numerous injuries the previous night. She readies AJ and herself to deal with Abel, then decides on how to wake him. After having been woken up either by force or by his captors shouting at him, Abel crudely jokes about having been tied up by a different woman but not having been "her prisoner" before launching into a coughing fit. Abel requests a drink of water so that he could continue the conversation, which Clementine can either provide or refuse. Abel verbally notes her manner of interrogating him, guessing that this was her first time questioning anyone. After she demands to know where her friends had been taken, he threatens her with the promise that Lilly would lead the others back to the school and set him free, suggesting that she give him "the five star treatment" or be punished. Clementine can aggressively torture him (having Rosie bite his leg if she had allowed Marlon to teach her how to command with the dog) or rebuff his threats in response, leading Abel to despair over his situation. Abel talks about the war that his group is fighting and the fact that Lilly will not give up the three kids that the Delta had kidnapped, especially after Abel's capture and Yonatan's death. He claims that the Delta were warring with a people far worse than he appeared to be, requiring that they obtain more soldiers to fight against them. The Delta had not expected the children at the school to be so capable of defending themselves, however, which was why they had sent such a small force to capture and conscript them. Following either an accusation or further torture, Abel- finding his breath coming in wheezing gasps- reveals that he did not enjoy forcing children to fight in battle, but he loved the home he had with his group and would do anything to protect it. Clementine retorts that she would do anything for her friends; understanding her threat, he finally tells her to search his front pocket, as it will be "the answer to all [her] questions". She pulls out a paper torn from the Bible with a puzzling quote, leading Abel to request that she light it as a cigar for him so he could have one puff of smoke. After lighting the paper, Clementine can choose to give him what he wants, use the makeshift cigar to burn his face, or stub it out in front of him.Clementine draws her knife and tells AJ that he does not have to watch her kill him before stabbing Abel in the side of the head, (Determinant) making him scream in pain and look directly at an entranced AJ as he finally dies. He continues to cry in terror until he stops breathing and dies, (Determinant) Clementine and AJ preparing for his reanimation. (Determinant) Abel reanimates within a few moments, (Determinant) the walker looking directly at AJ and trying to bite at him from its restrained position in the chair. (Determinant) Clementine leaves to gather the others for a scouting mission to confirm whether or not Abel was telling the truth, AJ remaining behind in a reverie as he ponders what Clementine had done. #thewalkingdead #skyboundgames #clementine