CTK Service 2022-12-25, Christmas Day

CTK Service 2022-12-25, Christmas Day

December 25, Christmas Day Pastor Ray Waespi, Musicians Barney Tiller, Jason Tiller, Praise Ensemble Christ the King Lutheran Church, Fremont, CA This service was streamed from CTK's sanctuary. To learn more about Christ the King, visit us online at http://ctkfremont.squarespace.com/ 00:33 Prelude - Noel on "What Child Is This", I. Musette & III. Recit de Tierce, by Larry Visser 05:58 Gathering Hymn - Good Christian Friends, Rejoice, ELW 288 15:33 Sermon (Postil) 27:07 Hymn of the Day - Celebrate the Lord of Love, by Paul Baloche & Ed Kerr, Praise Ensemble 33:05 Offering Solo - The Virgin's Slumber Song, by Max Reger, Jason Tiller 40:11 Communion Hymn - Infant Holy, Infant Lowly, ELW 276 43:23 Sending Hymn - Go, Tell It on the Mountain, ELW 290 45:59 Postlude - Noel Suisse, by Louis-Claude Daquin Bible Passages Psalm 97 Titus 3:4-7 Luke 2:1-20