St. Maelruain's Parish | Holy Communion | Rev. William Deverell l 02FEB2025

St. Maelruain's Parish | Holy Communion | Rev. William Deverell l 02FEB2025

St. Maelruain's Parish | Holy Communion | Rev. William Deverell l 02FEB2025 Children’s Choir Practice after service in Church Tuesday 4th February 2.00pm Crafty Chatters, Small Hall, bring your own craft or learn a new one. 8.00pm Bible study of following Sunday’s readings via Zoom: Wm. 4621044 Wednesday 5th February 11.00am First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion with prayers for the sick. #holycommunion #sundayservice #churchofireland #churchfamily #churchservice #worship #worshipsongs #worshipmusic #hymn #tamilchristiansongs #tamilchristiansong #dublin #protestantchurch #csichurch #englishworship #sundayworship #pastor