Cat Cafes in Korea – 고양이 카페 (GOYANGI CAFE)
Cat cafes are a unique part of Korea that allow you to experience a regular cafe with the added benefit of cute, fluffy cats. Thanks for watching! Subscribe for weekly videos! 3 Please consider supporting me on Patreon: / gobillykorean Special thanks to “고양이네 생선가게,” the cat café that I visited in my video. They’re located in 수원 (Suwon) and are within a short walking distance from 수원역 (Suwon Station). Here’s their address: 경기도 수원시 팔달구 향교로 29-1 Music by Kevin MacLeod: "Life of Riley" and “MJS Strings,” and “Brightly Fancy.” ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 (