7 THINGS ONLY FAKE FRIENDS WOULD DO | STOIC PHILOSOPHY Are you wondering if you have a fake friend? Fake friends are people who act like they’re your friend when really, they’re anything but. They only care about you for superficial reasons and are never there for you when you need them the most. Do you want to make sure that the friendships you have now are for the right reasons? Well, here are 7 things that only a fake friend would do! ► Subscribe to the channel💪 / @realstoicsage 🎯 Key Moments 00:00 - Don't Skip 02:38 - 1. They Only Reach Out When They Want Something 05:55 - 2. They Talk Behind Your Back 08:58 - 3. They Compete Instead of Celebrate 11:45 - 4. They Dismiss Your Feelings 14:16 - 5. They’re Never Available When You Need Support 16:38 - 6. They Use You for Their Gain 18:50 - 7. They Make You Feel Bad About Yourself 👇Check out more videos about Stoicism from Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, Seneca and others: 🔥🔥 How KINDNESS Is Dangerous For Your Life 🔥🔥 ⬇️⬇️ • 8 Stoic Lessons: How Kindness Is DANG... 🔥 9 Types of People Stoicism WARNS Us About (AVOID THEM)🔥 ⬇️⬇️ • 9 Types of People Stoicism WARNS Us A... A Man With No Friends: 7 Stoic Lessons About The Power of Solitude ⬇️⬇️ • A Man With No Friends: 7 Stoic Lesson... The HIDDEN Danger of Being TOO GENEROUS ⬇️⬇️ • The HIDDEN Dangers of Being TOO Gener... INSTANT Respect GUARANTEED With These 12 Proven Stoic Lessons ⬇️⬇️ • INSTANT Respect Guaranteed With These... Turn Fear Into UNSTOPPABLE Power ⬇️⬇️ • STOIC SECRET: Turn FEAR Into UNSTOPPA... #stoic #stoicism #stoictraining #stoicwisdom #philosophy #wisdom #psychology #stoicismphilosophy #seneca #epictetus #stoiclessons #marcusaurelius #stoicphilosophy #resilience #innerstrength #lifeguidance #lifeimprovement #fakefriends #friendship ---------- Relevant Keywords: Stoic Stoicism Stoic principles self-improvement motivational video resilience overcoming adversity mental strength personal growth motivation inner strength life lessons self-help philosophy empowerment inspiration ----------