조랭이떡 미역국 | Small Rice Cake and Korean Seaweed Soup

조랭이떡 미역국 | Small Rice Cake and Korean Seaweed Soup

쌀가루로 만든 조랭이떡을 미역국에 넣어 주었다 뜨거울까봐 식히면서 조금씩 주다가, 어느 정도 식고 전체를 주었다 아기용 김치도 주었는데 이 때는 먹었는지 안 먹었는지 모르겠다 Mom added rice flour-based joraengi tteok (small rice cakes) to the Korean seaweed soup Dad gave it to Toby one by one, cooling it down to make sure it wasn’t too hot Then, he gave the rest once it had cooled enough Mom also offered baby kimchi, but it is unclear if it was eaten or not #21개월아기 #21monthsold #밥먹는토비 #tobyiseatingameal uploaded on 12/9/2024