Today my sister and I play an extreme ABC flexibility and gymnastics challenge!💞 A gymnast and a cheerleader compete to see who can come up with any trick to go with the letter and if you don’t know a trick you lose the challenge!😱 Comment down below who you think will win! We did this challenge with ‪@annamcnulty‬ in our video linked below! ‪@jordanmatter‬ Daughter Salish is an awesome gymnast! ‪@sofiedossi‬ Should also try this challenge!🙌 #cheerleader #gymnastics #challenge #sisters #cheerleading More of us! SNEAKING my SISTER out of SCHOOL EMOTIONAL we got CAUGHT    • SNEAKING my SISTER out of SCHOOL *EMO...   Transforming my SISTER into a CHEERLEADER! EMOTIONAL    • Transforming my SISTER into a CHEERLE...   WE TRAVELED ACROSS THE WORLD TO SEE THE @TheNinjaFam    • WE TRAVELED ✈️ACROSS THE WORLD🌎 TO SE...   Check out these awesome videos! ‪@jordanmatter‬ My Daughter's NEW TWIN SISTER One Color Challenge    • My Daughter's NEW TWIN SISTER *One Co...   ‪@BrittHertz‬ If You Get WET, You LOSE! Extreme    • If You Get WET, You LOSE! *Extreme*   ‪@AlexaRivera‬ GETTING MY WISDOM TEETH REMOVED!!    • GETTING MY WISDOM TEETH REMOVED!!   ‪@NotEnoughNelsons‬ LAST DAY of SCHOOL MORNiNG ROUTiNE!!    • LAST DAY of SCHOOL MORNiNG ROUTiNE!!   ‪@MrBeast‬ Ages 1 - 100 Fight For $500,000    • Ages 1 - 100 Fight For $500,000   Other amazing channels! ‪@PaytonDelu‬ ‪@TheRybkaTwins‬ ‪@BenAzelart‬ ‪@pierson‬ ‪@NinjaKidz‬ Follow our IGs @kaileiadixonnn @keilahnidixon @dixonsisterss @dixonsistersmerch Watch us on Tiktok: @dixonsisterss Make sure you like, subscribe and turn on the post notifications💗🫶🏼💗 Boost us on Famous Birthdays: Dixon Sisters, Keilahni Dixon and Kaileia Dixon Receive a personalized video from us on cameo @dixonsisters Music licensed through Epidemic Sound Inquires: [email protected] Subscribe to ‪@dixonsistersgaming‬ If you read this all the way through YOU'RE AWESOME!