Coca-Cola Cleans RUST? |What It Does to Your Body Is WORSE | #drruhi #cocacola

Coca-Cola Cleans RUST? |What It Does to Your Body Is WORSE | #drruhi #cocacola

You know Coca-Cola is bad for you... but do you know HOW bad? Did you know that Coca-Cola contains phosphoric acid that can actually remove rust? It reacts with iron oxide to convert it into ferric phosphate, easily removing the rust. But what does this potent acid do to your body? This video exposes the shocking health risks associated with Coca-Cola, including weak bones, liver fat, tooth decay, type 2 diabetes, kidney stones, and Alzheimer's disease. Think twice before reaching for that Coke! Coca-Cola, harmful effects of Coke, soda dangers, phosphoric acid, rust cleaning, weak bones, liver fat, tooth decay, type 2 diabetes, kidney stones, Alzheimer's disease, health risks, soda health, unhealthy drinks, drink dangers, Coca-Cola side effects, avoid Coca-Cola, health warnings, soda and health, food science, rust remover #coke #cocacola #unhealthy #healthrisks #soda #rust #foodscience #health #warning #diabetes #toothdecay #kidneystones #alzheimers #liverfat #weakbones #toxic #junkfood #healthyliving #nutrition #sideeffects