Feast of Our Lady of Loreto | Dec 10 #loreto #angels #flyinghouse
Feast Day of Our Lady of Loreto (December 10). The Holy House of Loreto is where the Blessed Virgin Mary was born, where the Annunciation of the Lord occurred, and where the Holy Family lived. The Miracle of the Holy House of Loreto is a captivating tale that has inspired pilgrims for centuries. According to tradition, on December 10, 1294, shepherds in the Loreto region of Italy witnessed an extraordinary sight - a house flying over the ocean, carried by angels. This humble dwelling was said to be the very home where the Virgin Mary was born, grew up, and received the Annunciation from the Archangel Gabriel. The house's journey was not a simple one. It is said to have first appeared in Tersatto, Yugoslavia, where a priest named Alexander Georgevich was miraculously healed after the Virgin Mary appeared to him in a dream, confirming the house's authenticity. Later, as Muslim forces threatened the region, the house was again lifted by divine intervention and transported across the Adriatic Sea to Italy. In Loreto, the house moved several times before settling in its final location, where it has remained for over 700 years. The lack of foundations and the presence of building materials foreign to the region added to the mystery and belief in its miraculous origins. Over time, the Holy House became a revered pilgrimage site, attracting millions of faithful, including about 200 saints and blessed individuals. Countless miracles have been attributed to the shrine, cementing its place as one of the most important sites in Catholic tradition. Our Lady of Loreto, pray for us! Image: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (Italian) - The Miracle of the Holy House of Loreto Public domain photograph of 17th-century Italian painting #ourladyofloreto #loreto #italy #flyinghouse #motherofgod #mary #miracle #catholic #catholicvideo #catholicchurch #shorts #shortsvideo #blessedmothermary #vatican #holyhouse #angels