Romans 14 | KJV AUDIO BIBLE (With Text & Images)

Romans 14 | KJV AUDIO BIBLE (With Text & Images)

Romans 14 | KJV AUDIO BIBLE, WITH READ ALONG TEXT & IMAGES Main Sections of Romans 14 : 00:00 Accepting the Weak in Faith (Romans 14:1-12) 01:47 Living in Love and Unity (Romans 14:13-23) ========================================= IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL : Any support is greatly appreciated. [] Patreon :   / 2359timeisup   [] PayPal : [] Buy-Me-A-Coffee : ========================================= READ ALONG WHILE YOU LISTEN TO YOUR FAVORITE KJV AUDIO BIBLE : The text in this visual & audio bible is from the Book of Romans, from the King James Version (KJV) of the Holy Bible. In this video you can listen to the best version KJV Dramatized Audio Bible with read along text and Images. Listen to an audio bible with real human voices, and not fake a.i voices . I've also selected calm non-intrusive images for each chapter of the Bible, so you can enjoy looking at an image as you listen to or read along to the holy scriptures. If you would like to read and listen to more bible chapters, check out our PLAYLISTS section in our channel, linked here:    / @2359timeisup   THE KJV "WITH HEADINGS" or "KJVwh" : Did you notice, in the KJV bible that there are no headings in the text? Which can make reading long chapters a bit of challenge sometimes. So what I have done with these KJV bible chapter recording, is; I have used the same KJV bible text that we all know and love, and added headings to break up the text, which makes it easier to read & memorize. So if you see the terms "KJV wh" or "KJVwh" on this channel, it simply means 'King James Version "with headings"'. CREDITS & ABOUT THIS AUDIO BIBLE : [] Scripture from the: King James Version Bible. (KJV) - Public Domain. [] KJV Bible text on screen so that you can read along to the Audio Bible. [] Audio: KJV DRAMATIZED AUDIO BIBLE [] Music: Gene Michael Productions (used with permission) [] Images (c): for those who need something visual when listening to the scriptures [] Headings with Bible References (c) (for bible memorization / PBE) [] "Red Letter Bible" text to let you know when God / Jesus is speaking (or when an angel sent by God is speaking). [] Hashtags related to this video: #kjvaudiobible #kjvbible #kjvwh #realhumanvoice #2359timeisup #bible #audiobible #romans [] Bible Headings & Visuals Created by: YTC: 23:59 TIME IS UP (C) 2024