Feeling so closer to normal, benzo withdrawal
My long story is in the comments..I am 32 months off a very severe kindling cold turkey from benzos,which included many horrific setbacks and bad reactions Please don't be scared by my story,only small unlucky percentage of people ever see a withdrawal as long and disabling severe as mine was If you or anyone you know is on a benzo like xanax/klonopin/ativan or valium.And also ambien!PLEASE!! Join this fb group and learn everything you need to know about this medication and the interdose/tolerance withdrawals it can cause!Most ppl suffer and go for millions of tests not knowing wth is wrong with them and all along it's the benzo and the Drs won't tell you these things!Benzo tolerance/interdose withdrawals happen WHILE STILL ON THE BENZO and mimic different mental disorders and mimic MS and other physical illnesses! NEVER cold turkey a benzo! https://www.facebook.com/groups/benzo...