Saint Francis of Assisi (ANCC): The Baptism Of The Lord (2022)
Hello everyone and peace! [Please let St. Francis of Assisi parish know that you have joined us virtually this week by following this link: https://form.jotform.com/210246206397049 ] This Sunday, we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. In our Gospel, we hear John the Baptist address the confusion of the people who thought that John might be the Messiah. John the Baptist says that he has baptized with water, but that someone will come and baptize with the Holy Spirit. In Luke, the Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus during his time of prayer after his baptism. Through his Gospel, Luke will show Jesus to be a person of prayer who withdraws regularly from the crowds and his disciples to pray to his Father. The baptism of Jesus is considered a manifestation of God in Jesus, another “epiphany.” On this, the last day of the Christmas season, our Gospel reveals to us Jesus' relation to God: the son of Mary and Joseph is also God's own Son. In Luke's Gospel, all three members of the Trinity are manifested here: God the Father in the voice, the Holy Spirit descending, and Jesus the Son. The music we play is with permission under One License, License number: M-400404 for May 14, 2021 - May 13, 2022