[영어찬양] I need thee every hour 주 음성외에는 HYMN / by ZINO PARK (1시간 연속듣기) 은혜찬양
I need thee every hour(주 음성외에는) 1 I need thee every hour, most gracious Lord no tender voice like thine can peace afford Refrain I need thee, O I need thee every hour I need thee O bless me now, my Savior, I come to thee 2 I need thee every hour stay thou nearby temptations lose their power when thou art nigh 3 I need thee every hour, in joy or pain come quickly and abide, or life is vain 4 I need thee every hour teach me thy will and thy rich promises in me fulfill 5 I need thee every hour, most Holy One O make me thine indeed, thou blessed Son