Thank God For His Mercy / Joyce Meyers Devotional @morningswithmommaapple5924
Got 6? "Thank God For His Mercy" "But I have trusted, leaned on, and been confident in Your mercy and loving kindness; my heart shall rejoice, and be in high spirits in Your salvation." - psalm 13:5. Good morning everyone happy Friday! We made it to the weekend and for many of you spring break has sprung... Today's quick devotional reading is from Joyce Meyers book, "the power of being thankful." Let's talk a little bit more about what Mercy is... God's mercies are new every morning, but how many of us actually think about that a whole lot or receive it on a regular basis as a gift from Him? Mercy is something that we cannot earn... It is a free gift from God. It is grace. God is speaking to us today about the gift of his mercy to us. He wants us to receive it so that he can help us to overcome things that we are battling in our lives and help us to become more than just placent and stuck... How do you know we are all born sinner's no one fall short of the glory of God and we don't have to stay stuck in all of our habits and sins God gives us his son to set us free.... It may not be overnight like we would like, or think it's a lifelong process and journey that the Lord takes her hands and purifies us through each decade, through each day, and then the moment of life we are growing and being shaped more like Him as we surrender a Life to Him (the only perfect one)... However, look how far you come in this life have you not grown in change and learn so much already? And God is so proud of you for that. Today he want you to be proud of yourself for how far you've come along with him that we can post in the good work that we have done through Christ .... And the good works yet to be done... There is joy he wants us to take on today that is another gift that he wants to give each one of us, but in order to have real joy, we have to be able to surrender more to the one that created us. We're surrender, we have trust and with trust we have faith... Faith climb the mountains that we face each and everyday... Today's topic, though, it's all about Mercy. Let's spend some time with the Lord today, receiving his beautiful mercy for forgiving ourselves, if need be, and surrendering our struggles to him to help us. If we confess with our mouth that the Lord is God and we confess our sins to him, he will help us to turn from them. That's called repentance and return from them is a change of heart. ... Yes, we may feel some days we have to get up dust or so soft repent, confess, and try again. We are getting better all the time. After we receive this mercy for herself, and Grace, then we can have more empathy and understanding for those around us to give them more mercy and grace they desperately need as well We will end in prayer today with a simple prayer of salvation. If you have not surrendered your life to Christ, you'll have the opportunity to do that with me for a new opportunity to take hold in your life... A beautiful life, full of mercy and grace, and Joy, and all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit You are here for a reason and today is your day to receive forgiveness and mercy .... We are more than conquerors through Christ ... Feel free to hit that, like, subscribe, and share button. Together we are getting as beautiful word out there. Love you friends, Sarah with Mornings with Momma Apple 🍎