Honey’s Hustle & Glitter’s Confidence-Eight's Band June 9 2024
Every time Eight’s band heads to the water hole, Honey is on a mission. No time for detours, no patience for stragglers—just full-speed ahead to that first refreshing sip! Meanwhile, her filly Glitter isn’t in such a rush. She lags behind, perfectly comfortable sticking close to her step-stallion, Eight. It’s a beautiful thing to see—Honey may be all about speed, but Glitter knows she’s safe wherever Eight is. Watch this sweet family dynamic in action—one mare sprinting for water, one filly choosing steady over speedy! #HoneyTheSpeedster #GlitterStaysCool #EightTheSteady #WildHorseFamily #EightsBandofWildHorses #horse #horsesofinstagram #wildhorse #wildlife #nature #wildhorsepc #wildlifephotography #horselover #horsephotography #photography #horselove #equinephotography #naturephotography #wild #horseoftheday #CaballosSalvajes #CavalosSelvagens #HorsesInTheWild #horseaddict #countryspirit #wildmustangs #mustang #mustanglife #horselovers #horses @coloradowildhorses #coloradowildlife #wildhorses #coloradowildhorses #mustangs #wildmustang #horses