FREE Scary Voice Changer Plug-In from SSL: X Orcism II - DEMO

FREE Scary Voice Changer Plug-In from SSL: X Orcism II - DEMO

X-Orcism II is a FREE downloadable uh in from SSL (Yes, THE SSL). It makes it easy to create fun and scary voices. Though, I’d love to hear someone run a Fender P bass through it. Get it here: Let me know what you think. Your opinion matters. FAQ's: The Neumann MT-48 is My Rig    • My StudioBricks One Booth for VO - A ...   How I Got Don LaFontaine to Record My Show Intro    • How I Got Don LaFontaine to Record My...   My Interview with Don LaFontaine (2006)    • The Don LaFontaine Interview - Pacifi...   Why I Make Videos and Created This Channel    • Why I Make Videos and Why I Created T...   Tour of My StudioBricks One Booth    • My StudioBricks One Booth for VO - A ...