Psalm 90 Unlocking Powerful Prayers #psalm #dailyprayer #jesus #godlovesyou #prayerchangesthings
We can become more powerful & effective in our prayers by following the blueprint. King David prayed in everything. David did not do anything before praying first. David knew that it was not in his own strength that he could become an overcomer. David was facing mental, physical, and spiritual battles. The LORD delivered him from them all. I also trust that he will do the same for each of us who believe. We will cover the whole book of Psalm. This series will not only assist in making your prayers more powerful. It will teach you exactly how to pray in your individual situation. You see GOD loves us so much that he wants us to be successful in our battles. I don’t know about you but if I am having to battle, I want to come out with victory in the end. Be sure you listen to all the Chapters. They will surely help you as we are in the last hour. The hour before great darkness. YOU NEED TO BE PREPARING. It’s about to get really dark in this world. Don't forget to checkout our NEW website: https://servantknijinskimathonican.so... Which verse touched your spirit? Please leave a comment. @ServantKnijinskiMathonican #motivation #morningprayer #goodmorning #psalm #pray #dailydevotional #godlovesyou #jesus #inspiration #encouragement