Salem Lutheran Church - December 25, 2022 (Replay of 12-26-21)
The Nativity of Our Lord - Christmas Service at Salem Lutheran Church, Buffalo, NY Leader: Rev. John Pingel Organist: Gary Bosley READINGS: OLD TESTAMENT - Isaiah 52:7-10 EPISTLE - Hebrews 1:1-9 HOLY GOSPEL - John 1:1-14 Months of anticipation for the young children among us reach their long-awaited fulfillment with the exciting arrival of Christmas Day! Take that anticipation, multiply it again and again, and you can begin to fathom how it felt for God’s people, who long awaited the coming of the Messiah. Isaiah and the other prophets had foretold that this Child, this Son, would come to bring salvation unto us. In the birth of Jesus Christ, this anticipation that stretched for hundreds—even thousands—of years reaches its fulfillment as God’s Son is born into our world. Together may we marvel at the mystery that is Christmas, rejoicing with the angels that this Good News is delivered unto us. May we together receive this gift anew as Jesus Himself is present with us as we gather to worship Him! To learn more about our church visit our website at: www.salembuffalo.com