Msgr. David Kunz's Homily 2017-11-19 on MMOC's Patronal Feast
Msgr. David Kunz is our guest at all Masses on the weekend of 18-19 November 2017. He was our pastor 2002-2008 and it is a joy to welcome him. Because MMOC parish is celebrating its patronal feast this weekend, special readings, songs and prayers pertaining to Mary were selected, instead of the readings for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Mary, Mother of the Church is an active, prayerful, celebrating, Catholic community in La Crosse, Wisconsin. We invite you to visit our parish family at MMOCLaCrosse.org (full site) or MMOC.mobi (mobile) or MMOC.blog (our blog). For convenient access to our Homilies, daily meditations, and other resources, download our free "myParish" app. We embrace our sisters and brothers in Christ who have a hearing impairment. Captions are provided by Rev.com.