How many kittens can my cat have in a week? // Sims 4 cat breeding
Have you ever wondered how many kittens a cat can have in a week? In today’s video we answer that question! If you enjoyed my video “How many kittens can my cat have in a week? // Sims 4 cat breeding” you might like some of my other videos: 10 funny & cute storylines to play in the sims 4: • 10 Funny and Sweet storylines to play... Can my sim use onlysims to raise triplets?: • Can I use onlysims to pay for triplet... What happens when a child lives completely alone? • What happens when a child lives compl... Can you force a kidnapped sim to marry you? • Can you force a kidnapped sim to marr... What happens when 1 child is loved but the other isn’t? • What happens when one child is loved ... Thanks again for watching my video “How many kittens can my cat have in a week? // Sims 4 cat breeding” and I’ll see you in the next one! Instagram: / whiny_brit1 Twitter: / britwhiny EA id: Whiny_Brit167 End music: Move Your Ass by ZAYFALL / zayfallmusic Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/move-your-ass-zayfall #sims4 #sims4cats #sims4kittens #sims4breedingcats #sims4pets #sims4catsanddogs #sims4breeding #sims4breedkittens #sims4breedcats