Jadenkaiba here once again for a new Let's Play of Resident Evil 4 Remake! This time with we join Ada Wong, a spy sent to retrieve the sample of : "The Amber" and its research data after leaks of it broke out. She manages to reach out and form a deal with Dr. Luis Serra Navarro, one of the researchers for the Los Iluminados cult who had discovered the Amber's property and it's potential strength after being left in the Amber Storeroom for an extended period of time, and had brought it back for further testing upon coming across its peculiar shape. In exchange for the Amber sample and its research data, Ada was to extract him out of Valdelobos. However, before Luis can hold up the end of his deal, Luis and the other researchers are forcefully parasitized with Las Plagas. He manages to remove it before being fully taken under its control and flees back to the Valdelobos and hiding the Amber before being captured and thrown into the cell of Salazar Castle where he is set to be tortured and killed along with other prisoners. ENJOY! Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at / jadenkaiba ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hai sai !! Jaden Kaiba are 2 persons (in fact Twins) and both are Artist from the Philippines :) MY Facebook Page / jadenkaiba Facebook Art Page / jadenkaibaart Watch me on Deviantart: http://jadenkaiba.deviantart.com/ Watch me on my 2nd Deviantart: http://setoyuki.deviantart.com/ School Fight Fan Page : / 178928708829321 Tumblr Page / jadenkaiba Follow Me on Twitter / jadenkaiba Add me on Pixiv http://pixiv.me/jadenkaibaex Follow me on Instagram / jadenkaiba Follow me on Artstation https://www.artstation.com/artist/jad... Subscribe me on Youtube / 3000kaiba3000 Watch me Live at Picarto https://picarto.tv/jadenkaiba Livestream Games at Twitch / jadenkaiba