Blocked Heart Arteries in Legs and Feet: 9 Warning Signs You Shouldn't Ignore!

Blocked Heart Arteries in Legs and Feet: 9 Warning Signs You Shouldn't Ignore!

Did you know that blocked arteries can impact you legs and feet? Today, we're diving deep into the warning signs of Peripheral Artery Disease, or PAD--a condition that can lead to serious complications if left untreated. Remember, early detection of signs and symptoms is key so don't wait until it's too late! If you recognize any of these signs, please consult your healthcare professional! Don't forget to like and subscribe to ‪@SeniorHealthWellBeing‬ for more content on senior health. Until next time, stay healthy and stay safe! .❤️ #seniorhealth #blockedarteries #blockedheartarteries #heartdisease #heartarteries #hearthealth #numbness #numbnessinfeet #numbnessinlegs #coldfeet #coldlegs #healthandwellnessforseniors