![1st Sunday of Advent: Gospel Acclamation [ICEL 81 / LiturgyShare]](https://krtube.net/image/rEEGBA7GWMo.webp)
1st Sunday of Advent: Gospel Acclamation [ICEL 81 / LiturgyShare]
One in a series of demonstration videos containing responsorial psalms and gospel acclamations suited to use in Catholic liturgy. Support files (mp3s, pdfs, etc.) can be downloaded at https://liturgyshare.org/Gospel-List/.... Versicle text: Lectionary for Mass, © 1969, 1981, ICEL. Response music: from VENI EMMANUEL; Chant, Mode I; “Processionale”, French, 15th cent.; adapt. by Thomas Helmore, 1811-1890. Psalm tone: https://liturgyshare.org.