WEBINAR REPLAY | How-to Plan Milky Way Photography with Stellarium, PhotoPills & more
Thanks for joining me this morning for a fun webinar! Can't wait until the next one next Saturday! :D Links of items mentioned: Stellarium: https://goo.gl/XzRSrK International Space Station texts: https://goo.gl/tqyyKM ClearDarkSky for Cloud info: https://goo.gl/3UrFqY Cloud info for those outside US/Canada/Mexico: https://goo.gl/4R5f4Q DarkSiteFinder for Light Pollution: https://goo.gl/49LTww See you next Saturday for Lesson #2 Composition! Free Live Webinar training you how-to use Stellarium, Photo Pills, DarkSiteFinder.com and ClearDarkSky.com for planning your Milky Way Photography. I will walk you through my work flow of planning using these apps and offer you an opportunity to ask me questions to help you directly. These apps help you know what the Moon is doing, where the Milky Way is, what other celestial events to look out for, where to go to find a dark sky and whether or not clouds will ruin your fun! Thanks for joining me and I look forward to hanging out with you Saturday! -Aaron This is Lesson #1 of a FOUR part Free Webinar series that allows me to talk about the basics of Milky Way Photography and more importantly be available to answer your questions LIVE! Join me for the next FOUR SATURDAYS to be a part of each lesson! Lesson #1 PLANNING Saturday July 15th 11am Mountain Time Lesson #2 COMPOSITION Saturday July 22nd 11am Mountain Time Lesson #3 SETTINGS Saturday July 29th 11am Mountain Time Lesson #4 GEAR Saturday Aug 5th 11am Mountain Time