10 Minute Morning Yoga to Boost Your Energy

10 Minute Morning Yoga to Boost Your Energy

☀️ Sure yoga is great anytime of day, but especially in the morning! Start your day with this 10 minute invigorating session and boost your energy! 😀 Set a positive tone for your entire day, feeling focused, refreshed, alert and reenergized with gentle seated stretches you can do in a chair! ✨ If you enjoyed this video, please LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE for more ways to stay bendy! ✨ ➡️ If you like this video and are looking for more Happy Yoga, check out the link below and subscribe to Happy Yoga on Demand! We have over 200 streaming episodes you can do anywhere, anytime! Whether you’re new to yoga, have injuries, balance concerns, inflexibility, or limited mobility, we have a yoga practice for you! Visit the link below and get started today! https://www.happyyogaondemand.com/​ For more chair yoga videos on our YouTube channel, check out: Chair Yoga Total Body Stretch Full Length    • Chair Yoga Total Body Stretch   Chair Yoga 20 Min Total Body Stretch    • Chair Yoga 20 Min Total Body Stretch   Chair Yoga 15Min Upper Body Stretch    • Chair Yoga 15 Min Upper Body Stretch   #chairyoga #stretch #stretching #yogastretch #yogapractice #yogaforbeginners #gentleyoga #10minuteyoga #morningstretches #morningyoga #yogaforseniors Note: Happy Yoga TV, LLC recommends that you consult your physician before beginning this or any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.