Red Velvet - IRENE & SEULGI "놀이 (Naughty)"| KPOP Dance Cover | Antara and Tavishi

Red Velvet - IRENE & SEULGI "놀이 (Naughty)"| KPOP Dance Cover | Antara and Tavishi

WHaaaaattttt??!!? we're back together?!!? the fact that we recorded this in like a 3 day trip to goa tells us what our priorities are (don't worry, the fun wasn't compromised). Can't believe we did it though, this is a tough dance. A very difficult one actually. The way we couldn't feel our arms after we finished recording. But it was definitely worth it. Give it a lot of love because we really really worked hard for it. Check out our cover on Irene and Seulgi's "Naughty", tell us in the comments what more songs do you guys want to seeeeeee. ~socials~ Instagram Dance Account : @danxingant //   / danxingant   Antara : @antarabasuroy //   / antarabasuroy   Tavishi : @tavishiisingh //   / tavishiisingh   ~credits~ song by: Irene & Seulgi intro by: tavishi endcard by: antara editing by: antara display picture by: @blaze_227 //   / blaze_227   Disclaimer: We do not own any of the choreography or music. #RedVelvet_IRENE_SEULGI #놀이 #Naughty