LIVESTREAM St. James, Corralejo (Fuertechurch) Holy Communion  16 January 2022, Epiphany 2.

LIVESTREAM St. James, Corralejo (Fuertechurch) Holy Communion 16 January 2022, Epiphany 2.

Join us for a Holy Communion Service for Epiphany 2 LIVE from Corralejo, Fuerteventura. The Live Stream will be available from just before 6pm. This Service will take place LIVE in Corralejo at 6pm Sunday evening in a Covid secure environment (facemasks, hand sanitizer, temperature monitoring, track & trace, social distancing etc), as we return to live services under the “new normality” of the pandemic. CCLI Licence Number 713164 and CCLI Streaming Licence No. 2212213 apply. Click this link to go to our Donate Page: Or this link to SUBSCRIBE to our Channel:    / @fuertechurch