Confirmation Mass 11/22/2020

Confirmation Mass 11/22/2020

Streaming and copyright license is through One License #730922-A and CCLI #20486708. Let us be in prayer for our 90 Confirmandi as they receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We welcome Bishop Perry to the parish for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Congratulations and Come Holy Spirit to Joseph Amer Madison Amer Katie Askelson Mallory Banks Reese Belano Eric Benson Jack Benson Nora Brink Nicole Brownsworth Alyssa Capiga Tara Coffey Shawn Coutinho Abby Erdman Katie Gilmartin Zoe Griffins Molly Gruman Benjamin Grunloh Valeria Guerrero Erin Howell Fernanda Huirzar Charles Jaegle Hannah King Alex Laurendi Alyssa Laurendi Riley Lockhart Ashley Lopez Daliah Lopez James Maul Michael McGrew Mary Mcilvaine Christopher Miserendino Macie Molnar Zachary Mueller Nick Panozzo Anastacia Paramo Stephanie Pichardo Olivia Ramos Natalie Rivera Sarah Sinovich TJ Sondag Kyle Sorensen Andrew Trakszelis Lainey Tran Jason Velazquez