Day 1 Live: " Full Body Circuit to Kick Start Your Fitness Journey ".
30 Fays Functional Full Body Circuit Series, including Ruck training Full exercises with full sets reps, This circuit program that incorporated RUCK training and Kettlebells workout is great way to engage with you my viewers. #####30 - Day Functional Full Body Circuit Program $##### Week #1 ####Day #1 +++++++++++++++Full Body Circuit+++++++++ 3x15 kettlebell swings 3 x10-12 push ups 3 x15 Goblet Squats ( kettlebell or dumbbell) ####Then Do 20 Minute RUCK MARCH. Use 10-15% of your body Or use 15-40 % of your body weight It's up to you and your fitness levels. ####Remember to consult a health care provider before starting a new Diet or Exercise Routine. Warning This is a no judgement zone keep comments respectful appropriate and uplifting for everyone who ever doesn't it will be promptly addressed by our Amazing Moderators. Let's make the most out of this. Join in and enjoy. #fypviral #ruck #rucking #weightvest #weightedvestwalking #strengthtraining #weightedvestworkout #weightvestexercises #backpacktraining #weightedvesttraining #weightedvestbennifits #fullbodyworkout #exercise #cardio #cardioworkout #rucking101 #healthylifestyle #weightloss #goruck Thanks for watching and remember to Subscribe Like And Comment a good one