Resident Evil 5 Gameplay | Chapter 2 - 1 Storage Facility

Resident Evil 5 Gameplay | Chapter 2 - 1 Storage Facility

no cut from all deaths and mistakes - Playlist Resident Evil 5 :    • Resident Evil 5   _________________________________________________ Thanks for visiting and watching this video! This channel does not provide high quality videos due to limited specifications. You will find some videos with low quality game graphics, and some fps drops. To play games and record this video, i used my old laptop from 2012. I just show you some interesting games that can be played with "The Potato Lap/PC" Hope you enjoy! Laptop specs: Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit Intel Core i5-3230M 2.60GHz 8GB RAM DDR3 AMD Radeon HD 8670M 2GB DDR3 ----- Support me Subscribe to this channel:    / @brethew2223   Donate: _________________________________________________