lambi phalyan/barbati kay fawaid aor nuqsan|yardlong bean /snake beans  benefits and sideeffects|

lambi phalyan/barbati kay fawaid aor nuqsan|yardlong bean /snake beans benefits and sideeffects|

friends this video is contained on health uses benefits and sideeffects of long beans or yardlong beans / snake beans . dosto is video mai main ne aap logon ko lambi phalyon yani barbati chinese long beans kay baray mai istimalat fawaid aor nuksan bataye hain . === #jollyazeem #snakebeans #longbeans #yardlongbeans #barbativegatable #lambiphalyansabzi #boravegatable #yardlongvegatable ==== safed lobia kay fayday aor nuqsanat | white kidney beans benefits and sideffects by jolly azeem |    • safed lobia kay fayday aor nuqsanat |...   ==== laal lobia/rajma kay fayday aor nuqsanat | red kidney beans benefits and sideffects by jolly azeem |    • laal lobia/rajma kay fayday aor nuqsa...   ==== fava beans kay fayday aor nuqsanat in urdu/hindi|broad beans benefits and sideffects by jolly azeem|    • fava beans kay fayday aor nuqsanat in...   ==== sabz/hari phalyon kay fayday aor nuqsanat in urdu|french beans/green beans benefits and sideeffects|    • sabz/hari phalyon kay fayday aor nuqs...   ==== moongray ke fayay aur nuqsanat in urdu/hindi,Radish seed pods/beans benefits and side effects ,    • moongray ke fayay aur nuqsanat in urd...   ==== soya bean ke fayday aor nuqsanat, soyabean benefits and side effects, tofu soya sauce and soya milk,    • soya bean ke fayday aor nuqsanat, soy...   ==== yardlong beans vegatable uses benefits and sideeffects in urdu/hindi by jolly azeem, lambi phalyon / yarlong beans kay fawaid aor nuqsanat in urdu/hindi by jolly azeem, barbati vegetable recipe, barbati vegetable benefits, barbati vegetable curry, barbati nutrition, barbati sabzi nutrient facts, long bean scientific name, chinese long bean recipe, long beans vs green beans, long bean scientific name and family, long bean family name, long beans in urdu hindi, long beans recipe pakistani / indian, chinese long beans recipe garlic, yardlong bean common name, yardlong bean scientific name, yardlong bean family name, yardlong bean kingdom, yardlong bean classification, yardlong bean uses, yard long bean scientific name and family, long beans, chinese python snake bean, snake bean scientific name, snake bean recipe, snake bean seeds, when to pick snake beans, how to grow snake beans, growing snake beans in pots, ====== Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. ( disclamier channel policy : welcome to jolly azeem channel .this channel is specialy designed for cooking videos and world cuisine recipies,foods tips,kitchen home lifestyle and tips and health herbal/organic remedies . .we are not owner of some pictures that use in this health vegeatbles and fruits spices and herbs videos . Whether you are a fan of the cooking videos ,foods tips ,kitchen tips,home health remedies,herbal remedies and ghrelo totkay general information please share with me you too by email. I make no claim to ownership of these information and pictures use in this channel video and all data is hundered percent correct. If you are the owner of such material, please respond by email and the media will be removed IMMEDIATELY . Thank you [email protected] ) . for more information follow this links : jolly azeem page :    / @jollyazeem6640   facebook page link for jolly azeem :   / greycloudpk   my instagram id : m_azeemsaeed follow me on twitter page : @azeempk colour cloud channel link :    / @colourcloud65   azeem life channel link :    / @azeemlife3978   email : please mail me: [email protected] =======