May 26, 2021 | Rosary, Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help & Holy Mass with Fr. Dave Concepcion
May 26, 2021 | Rosary, Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help and 7:00 AM Holy Mass on the Memorial of St. Philip Neri, priest. MASS PRESIDER : FR. DAVE CONCEPCION 1st Reading : Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17 There is no God but you. Psalm : Ps 79 Show us O Lord, the light of your kindness. Gospel : Mk 10:32-45 Jesus took aside the Twelve. Like and follow us on our Facebook Page: Sta Maria Goretti-FB Live / stamariagorettilive Subscribe us on our YouTube channel : Fr. Dave Concepcion, EVERYTHING IS GRACE / everythingisgrace online mass schedule: Monday to Friday : 7:00am Saturday : 7:00am & 5:00pm Sundays : 9am and 12:15pm #FrDaveConcepcion #StaMariaGorettiParish #FBLive #HolyMass #OnlineMass #NovenatoOurMotherofPerpetualHelp