SUB)ASMR Korean New Year's food/Dried persimmon(곶감), a raw chestnut(생밤), jujube(대추), etc, no talking

SUB)ASMR Korean New Year's food/Dried persimmon(곶감), a raw chestnut(생밤), jujube(대추), etc, no talking

#asmr #설날 #realsound #koreanFood #korean #newyear'sfood ASMR 한국의 설날에 먹는 떡국과 제사지낼때 먹는 음식들 몇가지를 따로 설명하면서 하나씩 먹어보았습니다. 한국의 맛있는 음식들을 즐겨보세요. 일년에 한두번만 먹는 전통 음식입니다. ASMR tried one by one, explaining about the rice cake soup we eat on New Year's Day in Korea and some of the foods we eat at the memorial service. Enjoy the delicious foods of Korea. It's a traditional food that I eat only once or twice a year. #KoreanFood #NewYear'sfood #chestnut #jujube #persimmon #fishpancake #Koreanstylemeatball #shiitake #Pan-fried Brochette #fruit( apples and pears ) #rice-cake soup/tteokguk #kimchi #설날 #떡국 #설날제사 #제사음식 #먹방 #한국음식 #설날음식 #대한민국 #한국전통