LIVE NOW DAILY MASS | Pagdiriwang ng Banal na Misa sa Dambana ni Hesus ika11 ng Disyembre 2021 (6pm)
Live Now | 6:00pm - Banal na Misa, Sabado, Disyembre 11, 2021, Bihilya para sa Ikatlong Linggo ng Adbiyento. (Linggo ng Gaudete) Ipagdiriwang ang Banal na Eukaristiya sa Dambana ni Hesus, ang Banal na Salita, (Diyosesis ng Cubao) sa loob ng Seminario ng Misyon ng Kristong Hari, (CtKMS) Lungsod ng Quezon, na pamumunuan nang Kagalang-galang: Reb. Ronald Rey Espartinez, SVD (DSJDW - Vice Rector). Ito'y isahimpapawid sa pamamagitan ng Facebook at YouTube. Unang Pagbasa: (Sof 3:14–18a) Salmong Tugunan: (Is 12) “D’yos na kapiling ng bayan ay masayang papurihan.” Ikalawang Pagbasa: (Fil 4:4–7) Aleluya: (Is 61:1) (Tumayo) “Espiritu ng Maykapal nasa akin upang hat’dan ang mga dukha ng aral.” Mabuting Balita (Lc 3:10–18) * FOR MASS INTENTIONS: www.bit.ly/shrineintentions FOR SPECIAL MASSES: www.bit.ly/specialonlinemass * This online video is available for your online participation in the Eucharist. You are invited to share the video with your family and friends. Watch/ Like/ Follow/ Share/ Subscribe to this channel for alerts and notifications on Daily Masses, Liturgical Services and other videos. Follow the official pages/ sites of the Diocesan Shrine of Jesus the Divine Word: Like and follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/diocesanshrineofjesusthedivineword Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/ShrineOfJESUS Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/jesusthedivineword Subscribe on Youtube: bit.ly/shrinelivemass bit.ly/DivineWordLiveMasses Follow us on: Spotify - https://bit.ly/spotifyDIVINEWORD Anchor - https://bit.ly/anchorDIVINEWORD (ctto: To All Pictures/ Music/ Videos used - No Copyright Infringement Intended.) * May GOD bless you and your family always and in all ways! #LIVEmass #SVD #DSJDW #CtKMS #SVDmission #DivineWord #ThinkSVD #PromotionToLOVEtheWORDofGOD #WitnessToTheWord #ThinkMission #commitedToHISmission #DSJDWholymassLIVE #RootedInTheWORD #SVDonlineMass #VigilMass #GaudeteSunday “God knows our strength and never makes the cross so heavy that we cannot carry it.” (St. Arnold Janssen - 1837-1909)