Berkshire Hathaway 2024 Shareholder Highlights

Berkshire Hathaway 2024 Shareholder Highlights

I cut together what I believe the main highlights were from the berkshire 2024 meeting 00:00 Why Berskhire is selling apple 1:55 Buffet on if they will invest internationally 5:36 How climate change affects the insurance industry 8:08 One more day with Charlie Munger 10:27 Views on Cyber Security Insurance 13:21 Financial Implications of self driving cars on Insurance 16:20 Is the market in a bubble? 18:45 Examples of thought process on when to exit a position? 22:08 Why is the BNSF railroad profit margins declining? 25:50 How would Buffett make a 50% return in todays market? 27:50 How would Buffett allocate his wifes inheritance after his death? 30:46 Now the ai Genie is out of the bottle, which business is most at risk? 34:45 Will the world market stop purchasing US debt?