The Walking Dead: The Final Season, Episode 3 – Broken Toys Gameplay Walkthrough (FULL MOVIE)
In "The Walking Dead: The Final Season, Episode 3 – Broken Toys," Clementine and the group continue their struggle for survival and face intense confrontations with Lilly and her group, the Delta. This episode is action-packed, filled with emotional choices, and forces Clementine to make crucial decisions that affect the fate of her friends and the school. Here’s a breakdown of the episode’s major events, gameplay tips, and key choices. Overview Setting: Following the end of Episode 2, the group is left reeling from the attack by the Delta. Clementine and AJ, along with their friends, prepare to rescue their kidnapped companions and put an end to Lilly’s threat. Objective: This episode focuses on infiltrating the Delta’s camp to rescue captured friends and make difficult choices that will have major consequences for Clementine and AJ. Walkthrough: Major Sections 1. Recovering After the Raid Objective: Clementine and her friends regroup and make plans to rescue their captured friends. They’re determined to go after Lilly and her raiders. Choices: Planning the Rescue: You’ll have conversations with the group to decide how to approach the rescue mission, with input from Violet and Louis based on your relationships. You can shape AJ’s perspective on dealing with danger and teamwork, which influences how he responds in later interactions. 2. Meeting James Again Objective: Clementine meets James, the former Whisperer who helps her understand the walkers in a new way. He offers insight on how to use the walkers to their advantage. Gameplay: James teaches Clementine to lead walkers as a "shield" against human enemies. Choices: Respecting or Challenging James’s Philosophy: James is against killing walkers, believing they still retain something of their humanity. You can respect his views or challenge him, which will affect his willingness to help. AJ’s Exposure to Violence: James is concerned about how AJ is affected by violence. You can agree with him, or insist that AJ needs to be tough to survive, shaping AJ’s mindset. 3. Infiltrating the Delta’s Boat Objective: The group sneaks onto a boat, where the Delta has taken their kidnapped friends, to try and free them. This section requires stealth and careful planning. Gameplay: You’ll face several puzzles and stealth segments as you navigate the boat and avoid or confront guards. Choices: Handling Minerva (Minnie): Minnie, a former friend, is now with the Delta. You can try to reason with her, rekindle her old loyalties, or confront her aggressively. Your approach affects how she responds to you. Confronting Lilly: At certain points, you’ll encounter Lilly. Your dialogue with her can be confrontational or strategic, depending on your approach. 4. Rescue and Escape Objective: Clementine and her friends attempt to rescue their captured companions, which involves tense combat and some moral decisions. Gameplay: This section has action sequences where you’ll need quick reflexes, especially during intense quick-time events (QTEs) involving walkers and Delta soldiers. Choices: Saving Violet or Louis: If both characters are in danger, you may have to prioritize one over the other, depending on previous choices and how you have interacted with each. AJ’s Role in Violence: During the rescue, AJ faces a situation where he must confront his own feelings about killing. Your guidance affects whether he chooses a path of mercy or aggression. Important Choices in Episode 3 Respecting James’s Philosophy: This impacts James’s trust in you and whether he’ll help you with walkers in later stages. Handling Minerva’s (Minnie’s) Loyalties: Your approach to Minnie can lead her to question her loyalty to the Delta or to double down on her commitment to them. AJ’s Moral Development: How you guide AJ in this episode affects his views on violence, mercy, and survival, impacting his future decisions. The Final Decision with Lilly: Allowing or preventing AJ to deal with Lilly will be a defining moment for him, influencing his character for the rest of the season. Tags =========== #TheWalkingDeadGame #TelltaleGames #TheFinalSeason #Clementine #AJ #ZombieApocalypse #WalkingDeadFinalSeason #TWDGameplay #DoneRunning #StoryDrivenGames #GamingWalkthrough #LetsPlay #SurvivalGames #TheWalkingDeadFans #DecisionBasedGames #ClementineAndAJ#ZombieSurvival #TWDTheFinalSeason #HorrorGames #ApocalypticGames #AdventureGames #EmotionalStorytelling #TWDCommunity #GamingCommunity #GameplaySeries #Episode1DoneRunning #TWDChoiceBased #InteractiveStory #TWDWalkthrough #TWDPlaythrough #GamingVideos #TWD2024 #ClemAndAJ #VideoGameWalkthrough #ClementineStory #TelltaleWalkingDead #ZombieHorror #WalkingDeadSeries #Episode1Gameplay #TWDSeasonFinale #AJSurvival #GamingChannel #CinematicGames #WalkingDeadUniverse #EndOfTheRoad #ZombieOutbreak #TWDChoices #InteractiveGaming #PostApocalypticGames #TWDAdventure #FinalSeasonGameplay #TWDSeason4 #SurvivalHorrorGame