JumpStart Nation: The Real Nature of God 4
Many people think that God responded to Adam and Eve with anger and wrath in the garden of Eden. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, God did not deal with men’s sin and count men’s sin until the giving of the law 1500 years after the garden of Eden. Romans5: 13 tells us that until the law sin was in the world but where there is no law sin is not imputed. There was a period of time that existed that was before the law. God did not immediately respond with the law and wrath. That is why God in Genesis 3 came looking for sinful Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. He was looking to help them know the answer. The very first thing he did was tell them that a virgin would have a son that would destroy their enemy. It was the Gospel being ministered by God at the very beginning. When God said in Genesis 3 where are you? God was saying, “I’m not on the frequency of condemnation. I will not relate to you according to your sins.” The reason God could do that is that Jesus was the lamb slain from the foundation of the world Revelation 8: 13. God already had a solution before time began. God had already solve the problem before Adam created it. God saw Adam in Christ not in his sin.