Does Early or Late Ovulation? Ovulation and Pregnancy | Dr. Richika Sahay Shukla | India IVF Clinic
The Ovulation Induction cycle Day 1: on the first day of your menstrual cycle you need to Call the clinic to fix an appointment for a blood test. Day 2-4: initiate the treatment by starting the medication. Day 10 or 11: Again visit the clinic for a blood test to ascertain your hormone level or get an ultrasound. Day 14: on the 14th day of your menstrual cycle you need to visit the clinic for an ultrasound test. that will help you determine when you are going to ovulate. #LateOvulation #EarlyOvulation #Pregnancy #DrRichikaSahayShukla #IndiaIVFClinic #IndiaIVF You can buy Fertility Nutraceuticals at https://www.indiaivf.in/product-categ... *********************************************************************** Call Us on 7353873538 or SMS write 'IVF' send to 57575 *********************************************************************** Visit Website: 🌎 https://www.indiaivf.in/ 🎬 Click https://bit.ly/IndiaIVFClinic to Subscribe India IVF Clinic Connect With us On Social Media: ⭕️ Facebook: / indiaivfclinic ⭕️ Instagram: / fertilityindia ⭕️ Linkedin: / india-ivf-fertility 🟢 इनफर्टिलिटी की समस्या के कारण और लक्षण! • इनफर्टिलिटी की समस्या के कारण और लक्ष... 🟢 क्या है पुरुष नपुंसकता ?- कारण और उपचार • क्या है पुरुष नपुंसकता ?- कारण और उपच... 🟢 Why not getting Pregnant when Everything is Normal? • Why not getting Pregnant when Everyth... Thank you for watching the video.