(2025)Latest Dogri song ll Teri Yaad ll Singer Ajay ll Onkar Singh ll and ll ‪@dogrikudiartibhagat‬

(2025)Latest Dogri song ll Teri Yaad ll Singer Ajay ll Onkar Singh ll and ll ‪@dogrikudiartibhagat‬

project Credits ✓Artist .Ajay Kumar & Onkar Singh ✓Female Singer Arti Bhagat ✓Lyrics and composition Ajay Kumar and Sanjay Kumar ✓Featuring ______Anku Singh & Shivali Jamwal ✓Music 🎵____________ musical Mafia( NB) (7780843149) ✓Video by Dogra Studio Ramnagar Pardeep Dogra (7051770520) ✓ Editing by Mr vipan Dogra Studio ✓Special thanks ________ Dogri program booking 6005125964 #dogrifolksingersong#dogripahadisong#dogrivideo#dogrisong#ajaykumardogrisinger#diljaanedil#dilchori#dilchori2#paddarmechailbhajan#alldogrisong#newsong My Instagram account jrur follow kren   / singer_saab_ji_   my Facebook page 📄 ko b jrur follow kren https://m.facebook.com/profile.php/?i.... ‪@folksingerajaykumar‬ ‪@subashbrahamnuarvindbraham9342‬ ‪@Rakeshrockyofficial‬ ‪@dogrikudiartibhagat‬ ‪@apnafolkstudio‬ ‪@desrajdogriartist9053‬ ‪@baburamdogriartist‬ ‪@sohanlaldogriartist‬ ‪@parkashbadyaldogriartist1690‬ ‪@AshokKumar-sw2se‬ ‪@Pahadiswar‬ ‪@sanjaydogriartist‬ My YouTube Albums 1 )chalo assan baba ji de Jana    • New dogri bhajan Chalo Assan Baba ji ...   2) Jalevi juda song Punjabi touch    • Jalebi juda Offical Song  ll Singer A...   3) Mere Darshan pana    • New dogri  bhajan ll Singer Ajay Kuma...   4) Bhajan Divri dhar    • NEW DOGRI BHAJAN  DIVRI DHARA ll Sing...   5) Bhajan Mera baba ji    • Singer Ajay & Sanjay Kumar New  Dogri...   6) dil jaane dil dogri song    • #Dil Jaane Dil ll  Dogri l Full  Song...   7)Chura dogri song    • #Chura ll Dogri ll Full Song out now ...   8) jhootha jhumaan dogri song    • Jhooth Ghumaan ll Latest Dogri song 2...   9) dil chori hit song    • Title ll Dil Chori  ll Drivera || Lat...   10) PADDAR MACHAIL bhajan    • Dogri Bhajan ll Singer Ajay & Sanjay ...   11) dil chori 2    • Dil chori 2 ll Singer Ajay and Sanjay...   12)Teri yaad    • (2025)Latest Dogri song ll Teri Yaad ...   NOTE:-All copyrights of thik content including video, Lyrics & music reserved with Folk singer Ajay Kumar YouTube Channel, and violation of copyright by anyone will be viewed seriously & leagal action will be taken under rule Moreover all names used in this Song are purely imaginary & symbolic and the are neither related nor associated with anyone in reality