8 Of The Most Unusual Good luck Charms In The History Of The World | Info Bites

8 Of The Most Unusual Good luck Charms In The History Of The World | Info Bites

One of Tennessee Williams's most memorable lines, "luck is believing that you're lucky," has stuck with me ever since I first heard him say it. "Luck is believing that you're lucky in the World." To be sure, though, ever since there have been humans, they have sought to improve their good fortune by employing talismans, symbols, and ornaments,Lucky charm things, some of which may sound strange to modern ears. This practice has persisted for as long as there have been people. Learn about the top eight most unusual lucky charms that have been used by people throughout the course of history of the world. Charms depicting phallic symbols as well as charms depicting chimney sweeps are all included in this collection. 1 Tintinnabulum. 2 Chimney Sweeps. 3 Hangman’s Ropes. 4 Birth Cauls. 5 Fumsups. 7 Swastikas. 8 Hunchbacks. All these are good luck charms that were used in the history of the world Like, Comment & Subscribe the Channel:    / @infobites1519   #goodluck #getlucky #trending #goodvibesofficial #history