I Built a SECRET Barbie Room

I Built a SECRET Barbie Room

Today I am building a secret Barbie room in my bed! Do you think my hidden room will be found? This is an #ad for Mattel. Parents, the Barbie Dream Besties line is available at Target, Walmart and Amazon. Want more? I Built a Secret Room in a Gymnastics Gym ft. Zhong, Kat, Britt Hertz and Drew Dirksen -    • I Built a Secret Room in a Gymnastics...   Flexibility Challenge ft. Elliana, Salish Matter Jordan Matter & more -    • THESE GIRLS ARE SO FLEXIBLE, NO ONE C...   SUBSCRIBE ‪@annamcnulty‬ ‪@AnnaMcNultyStretches‬ ‪@AnnaMcNultyShorts‬ ‪@HudsonMatter‬ Business Inquires: anna.mcnulty@night.co