Matthew 9:14-15 (March 7, 2025 Friday) Daily Gospel Reading & Reflection - Does my Fast Help others?
Today's Catholic Bible Reading & Gospel Reflection for 7th March 2025 , Friday after Ash Wednesday Year C From the Gospel according to Matthew Matthew 9:14-15 The disciples of John approached Jesus and said, "Why do we and the Pharisees fast much, but your disciples do not fast?" Jesus answered them, "Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast." DAILY CATHOLIC GOSPEL READING & WORDS OF THE HOLY FATHER https://www.vaticannews.va/en/word-of... Daily Catholic Mass Reading Daily Catholic Bible Reading Audio Visual Bible HD Bible Reading #matthew9:14-15 #fast #bridegroom #weddingguests #lentenreflection #ThirstforCHRIST#GospelReadingforToday #dailygospelreflection #GospelandReflection #dailygospel #catholicgospel#gospeltoday #todaysreadings #dailycatholicgospelreading #catholicreflection #dailygospelreading #march2025 #friday today's holy mass reading,today's catholic mass reading,daily mass readings 2025,Today's Gospel Reading,today's mass reading catholic,mass readings english,Gospel Reading,mass,catholic,bible,the word today,mass readings for today,catholic mass reading,catholic mass today,catholic mass,catholic daily mass readings 2025,catholic readings today,daily catholic readings, mass readings and reflections,catholic mass reading,mass readings for today,daily gospel reflection,catholic daily mass readings and reflection,catholic daily mass readings today,catholic daily mass reflection,daily catholic readings,daily mass readings and reflections,today's catholic mass readings and reflections,daily mass readings,today's gospel reading,gospel reading for today,today's mass reading catholic #TodayGospelReading #TodayGospelReading #GospelandReflection #HolyMassReadings #gospel #reflection #catholicprayers #catholicgospel #catholicreflection #catholicdailyreflectiontoday#reading #catholic #catholicmass #catholicprayer #eucharist #english #amen #hallelujah #todaygospelreading #gospelreadingfortoday #gospelandreflection #holymassreadings