How to use Cusco's Bivalved self-retaining Vaginal Speculum ‪@AyeshaMdSuleman‬ #neet #doctor

How to use Cusco's Bivalved self-retaining Vaginal Speculum ‪@AyeshaMdSuleman‬ #neet #doctor

How to use Cusco's Bivalved self-retaining Vaginal Speculum #doctor #neet Cervical dilator An osmotic dilator is commonly used to gently open the cervix before a gynecologic procedure that requires the cervix to be open, allowing access to the uterus and fallopian tubes. Cervical dilation reduces the risk of injury to the cervix during such a procedure | Uterine curette It is an OB/GYN instrument used for removing tissue from the lining of the uterus. It may be used to scrape and remove growths or tissue to be biopsie Vulsellum Forceps is the long, scissor type forceps with ratchet handles and long, thin, sideways curved blades that have inward facing, double-pointed claws The Purpose of a Uterine Sound · Insures that you can pass through the internal os. Informs the direction and pathway through the os up to the fundus Sponge holding forceps, available at Surgical Holdings, are designed to grasp and hold sponges and/or swabs while conducting a medical procedure or surgery. Anterior vaginal wall retractor It is used on the posterior vaginal wall to isolate the visualization of the anterior vaginal wall The Doyen Retractor is a broad based retractor used to pull back soft tissues and widen the surgical field. #health #amraz #medical #gynaecology #unani #unaninuskhe #unanihakeem #unanimedicine ‎@AyeshaMdSuleman  ‎@dr.tahzeebafroz5917