Tofu Kimchi with Pork (돼지고기 두부김치)
Tofu Kimchi with Pork (돼지고기 두부김치) -Tofu kimchi with pork is good menu for dinner. The key point is to have a bit sweeter roasted kimchi. You can add some sweet seasonings(sugar, plum extract) to get it. Good to eat with rice! Please subscribe: / @yumyumrecipego Facebook: / yumyumrecipego Instagram: / yumyumrecipego Website: http://www.yumyumrecipego.com/ Tofu Kimchi with Pork (두부김치) Pork 600g (1.3 pounds Kimchi 500g Tofu 1 pack Seasonings Sugar 2 tbsp Plum extract 1 tbsp Chili powder 2 tbsp Sesame seed 1 tbsp Direction 1.Put the pork on hot pan and fry them 2.Add kimchi and stir fry them together 3.Add seasonings(sugar, plum extract, chili powder) 4.Preparing warm tofu : Put one pack of tofu on a boiling water at a very low heat for 10 minutes 5.Cut tofu and plate it with pork 6.Add sesame seed on top of it 7.Eat tofu, kimchi and pork all together Music: http://www.bensound.com