Welcome to the 15-Day Laying Posture Challenge!

Welcome to the 15-Day Laying Posture Challenge!

Welcome to Little Steps Big Gains and the 15-day Laying Posture Challenge! Within this challenge we are going to focus on improving our posture! Each day we will do 10 exercises in laying that will focus on improving our pelvis, shoulder and head alignment. Each exercise will have customizations to find the just right challenge for you. Throughout the challenge we will incorporate deep diaphragmatic breathing with the focus on grounding to address anxiety, stress and overload. Research shows that reducing these mental barriers can improve neurological symptoms such as tremors, balance impairments and fear falling. For those interested in incorporating a blood pressure cuff for visual feedback, refer to the instructional video below:    • Two Laying Dynamic Neuromuscular Stab...   I highly encourage you to try 5 to 10 minutes of meditation a day. This might include deep breathing, grounding, or gratitude meditations. While there are many free phone apps, my personal free favorite is “Insight Timer”. Refer below for links and resources to get you started I hope you jump in and join along because with little steps together, we can make some big gains :) Elizabeth *** Patreon for those interested in supporting this free content- you can contribute $1, $3, $8 or $15 and month - and can cancel anytime! Link below :) https://patreon.com/user?u=73651576&u... Morning Rituals with gratitude, grounding, deep breathing, and intention setting for the day: *** Morning Ritual https://insig.ht/2YsMDMjIIQb?utm_sour... *** 5-minute morning meditation: Have your best day! https://insig.ht/Ot12RDqIIQb?utm_sour... ** 5- minute Morning Intention Setting & Gratitude Meditation https://insig.ht/YswLFaFIIQb?utm_sour... *** Good Morning- Greet your Day with Gratitude and Intention (7 min) https://insighttimer.com/guided-medit... *** Start your Day with Intention Morning Meditation (5 min) https://insig.ht/BxQn4KrJIQb?utm_sour... *** Complete Morning Meditation: Gratitude Practice, Intention Setting (8 min) https://insig.ht/oCstiFvJIQb?utm_sour... Grounding: *** Be Here and Now (8 min) https://insig.ht/Cu7jEySIIQb?utm_sour... *** How to Focus on “Just This” (5 min) https://insig.ht/pJARhjUIIQb?utm_sour... *** Meditation to Start Decluttering Your Life https://insig.ht/DjKsP0WIIQb?utm_sour... *** Progressive Muscle Relaxation (6 min) https://insig.ht/ACFMLw3IIQb?utm_sour... *** 5 4 3 2 1 Present Moment Calming (3 min) https://insig.ht/u7XwR86IIQb?utm_sour... *** 5 4 3 2 1 Mindfulness (2.5 min) https://insig.ht/GKFw9CbJIQb?utm_sour... *** Centering & Clearing Meditation Refresh (2 min) https://insig.ht/PqkWFHkJIQb?utm_sour... *** Decrease Anxiety and Increase Peace (17 min) https://insig.ht/UwLuo4nJIQb?utm_sour...